Research and Progress: After the first presentation, my group realised that we severely lacked the knowledge of Singapore's history, having no experience whatsoever of these historical periods. As a result, we didn't have a clear idea of what to put or portray in our collages specifically. Thus, intensive research was done online about these historical periods. Articles, websites and images were searched to better our understanding the situations then, to help us know what symbolic images to put in our collages, as well as to aid us in conveying the emotions of those periods more clearly. Having no time or the skills to create convincing and aesthetically fantasy images, one of my groupmates, Sheryl, sourced for fantasy backgrounds online (Deviantart). Examples of images used from Deviantart are shown below:

The images found online proved to be unsuitable in some cases, be it the size or the composition of it. This is especially so for those depicting the modern aspects of Singapore, such as the Merlion and Universal Studios Singapore. Therefore, Sheryl and I had to go to these areas to take photographs by ourselves. Bad weather conditions on our photo-taking days proved to be a challenge too, but we managed to get the pictures we wanted, including these:

In the meantime, Kris continued to work on the main character design, tracing it out in Adobe Illustrator and refining it to make it look less flat. The second draft of Alice looks like this:

In preparation for our second presentation, Yin Lam, Sheryl and I created more collages and refined our existing ones to come up with these:

Feedback: Presenting our progress to the class, they felt that the styles of our collages felt very different. The main issue was brought up once again - making the collages 3D to make them appear less flat. Several suggestions were brought up, including making our collages have a more 2D "feel" so when traveling through the collages, the issue of the collages being flat would no longer be an issue. Other suggestions were using Photoshop to make the collages 3D, or to make the main character become smaller and smaller as she travel into the portal. At the last moment, the next collage would zoom into the screen. The problem with this would be that the flow of travel would become very rough. But the feedback given was valuable and helped my group better our project immensely.
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